The Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to extend it condolences to all the families that have lost a loved one on our roads this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
The month of May is upon us, and our slogan is - 2 Wheels, 4 Wheels, 1 Road for Everyone. In Bermuda we all share one thing in common, that is traveling on our roads. Whether you are driving from Somerset to St. George’s or from your home to the store, you must travel on the road. Each road user shares the road with other road users and as such we all play apart in the safety on the roads. 2 wheeled, 4 or more wheeled vehicles and even pedestrians, all share equal responsibility when on the roads.
Under the TCD Traffic Code Handbook - Duties to Other Road Users, 2 wheeled vehicles “must ride in single file whenever road or traffic conditions require it, and never more than two abreast”. This includes motor and pedal cycles on public roads.
Pedestrians, whether running or walking have responsibilities while they are on the roads. Wearing bright or reflective clothing, facing towards oncoming traffic while walking or running are some of the duties of pedestrians while on the roads.
4 or more wheeled vehicles have size and power over 2 wheeled vehicles and caution should be used when traveling near them. Not only drivers, but passengers also have a responsibility to ensure that a driver is focused on the road and not distracted.
With the Bermuda Day holiday just around the corner the BRSC would like to remind the motoring public to drive with care, caution and courtesy, to slow down and don’t drink and drive. We all must do our part to keep our roads safe.
On May 15 – 22, 2022 the BRSC will be hosting their annual Road Safety Week. The theme for this year’s Road Safety Week is “To Drive So Others Survive.” Each day of the week will consist of a road safety topic that we will focus on and we encourage the public to visit the BRSC’s Facebook and Instagram @bdaroadsafetycouncil for more information.
We would also like to invite the public to our Road Safety Week Open Event which will take place on Monday May 16, 2022 at City Hall from 12pm-2pm.