“It is inspiring to see our departments and their staff giving back to the community in such meaningful ways,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks following a successful fundraising campaign supporting the cancer care charity PALS.
Demonstrating his commitment to his profession and community, Amaury Majors, a firefighter who joined the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service in 2022, successfully raised $750 for the cancer care charity PALS through a creative fundraising effort involving his colleagues.
Mr Majors explained his motivation for choosing PALS: “I took it upon myself to select PALS because I know of family members and friends who have suffered from cancer, and I wanted to give back to a charity that has supported those who have suffered from cancer, and I thought PALS was the best option."
The idea materialised when Mr Majors designed special t-shirts for BFRS staff members participating in last week’s Bermuda Day Half Marathon Derby.
The participating firefighters wore these t-shirts and contributed to the fundraising effort, raising awareness and funds for PALS. The total amount raised was $750, a symbolic contribution to a charity that supports cancer patients in Bermuda.
Chief Fire Officer Dana Lovell expressed his admiration for the initiative, stating, “I am delighted to know that Amaury and his colleagues joined with him to support such a wonderful charity that has served countless individuals that have been impacted by such an insidious disease.
“The Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service joins with Amaury and wishes to thank him for spearheading this effort. PALS will be able to continue that much longer because of the generosity of those persons that gave."
The BFRS staff members who participated in the half marathon were Reid Henderson, Dean Smith, Tyrrell Burgess, Mahkye Steede, Enrique Russell, and Tiante Swan. Their collective efforts and support were crucial to the success of this fundraising initiative.
Mr Amaury Majors is seen handing over the funds raised to PALS representative Clinical Nurse Manager Julie Harrington R.N. outside the PALS offices. This moment symbolises the bond between the BFRS and the community it serves.
Minister Weeks added: “Mr Majors and his colleagues have shown exemplary dedication and compassion, and their contributions to PALS are greatly appreciated."
The BFRS, along with Mr. Majors and his colleagues, is proud to support PALS and looks forward to continuing such community-focused initiatives in the future.