COVID-19 Update by Minister Wilson

Good Afternoon,

Thank you, Premier.

Today, there were 42 test results received; and I’m pleased to report that none were positive.

Following the week-end’s results, Bermuda's total confirmed positive cases stands at 86. Their status is as follows:

  • there are 44 active cases, of which
  • 33 persons are under active public health monitoring, and
  • 11 persons are hospitalized;
  • a total of 37 have now recovered, and
  • the total deceased remains at 5.

The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 55. The median age is 58, and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 18 to 91 years. The age of persons hospitalized ranges between 57 and 82 years, and the average age is 72.

Of the 86 positive cases confirmed to date, 37 are males, and 49 are females.

As the Premier stated in a press release yesterday, now that our second lab has come online we have significantly increased the number of people who can be tested in Bermuda for COVID-19.

The next step is to focus on testing healthcare professionals, our vulnerable in seniors homes, contacts of persons who have tested positive for COVID-19 and our essential workers.

Everyone who is currently in a government quarantine facility has now been tested for COVID-19, ahead of them returning to their respective homes.

Throughout the day yesterday, over 200 samples were taken from individuals at the six government quarantine facilities.

Preliminary results have been received and those persons who tested positive will be advised of their status by a public health officer or their physician. Persons who tested negative will be able to leave the quarantine facility from 2pm on Tuesday upon completion of their 14 days’ quarantine. They will remain under public health supervision and self-quarantine at home for a further 14 days. Persons who tested positive will be required to quarantine at a Government Quarantine Facility for an additional 14 days and will remain under active public health monitoring including daily temperature checks and phone contact by a public health officer. Those who cannot adequately self-quarantine at home will be able to continue at the quarantine facility.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health issued a press release regarding a very concerning story posted online by one of our media outlets yesterday afternoon. I felt it crucial that the Ministry respond quickly to dispel misinformation. I want to reiterate that information now, if I may.

As reported by the Ministry of Health last weekend, COVID-19 was confirmed at the Matilda Smith Williams Seniors Residence. This involved two residents and two staff members.  Unfortunately, these results confirmed spread of the virus within the facility.  As a result, all residents and staff underwent testing for COVID-19 and 23 positive results were confirmed in persons associated with the outbreak at the care home.

There was concern that residents of the home may not have been receiving appropriate care. I want to clear that up now…

The Ministry of Health liaised with the facility’s Interim Administrator as soon as the outbreak occurred to ensure that medical care was provided to residents.

All residents who require medical assessments have had them performed by medical professionals and no medication has been given to residents by unqualified personnel.

A Registered Nurse has been attending the facility every night since early last week, while the Department of Health has also provided a Registered Nurse, who has also been attending daily.

On Saturday a medical director was appointed to the facility by the Ministry of Health to provide on-site and off-site medical guidance and intervention in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak at the facility.

 Additionally, the Department of Health will provide Home Resource Aides to the facility.

As of yesterday, a full-time nurse has been appointed to the home.

The Ministry of Health has provided PPE to the facility including gowns, masks, gloves, face shields, goggles, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and trash bags. 

Additionally, the Department of Health's Community Health Nursing staff provided PPE training on Friday morning at the home for all staff regarding the correct use of PPE and Infection Control.

The Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit is currently managing the outbreak in the facility and have recommend that additional measures be put in place and has provided further

guidance to the staff in monitoring of their health status, infection control measures, maintaining social distancing, isolation and monitoring of the health status of affected residents.

In conclusion, I want to reassure the public that we are working closely with Bermuda’s 21 care homes as we understand fully the vulnerability of these populations. We have been working with the homes for several months and will continue close collaboration to ensure any concerns are addressed immediately by their Boards and management, and their operations can remain stable.  

Thank you.