Hurricane Nicole update - October 13 at 6:30 am

Hurricane Nicole approaching at Warwick Long Bay Beach

NHC has kept Nicole as a Cat 4 Hurricane for this advisory and increased the forward speed to 13 knots.

  • It is forecast to downgrade slightly to 110 g 135 kt (STRONG Cat 3) as it passes overhead – though this downgrade may not occur until the center is past us
  • Bermuda has been experiencing Tropical Storm force winds since 1am and in a rain band various sensors recorded sustained winds in the upper 40s with gusts over 64 knots – hurricane force.
  • A couple of meso vorticies were noted (which indicates rotation and possible brief small tornadoes),
    1. Passed about 10km off Church Bay
    2. Was noted in a cell 55miles to our SW approaching the east end – we cont, to monitor this cell.