Mr Speaker, I rise today to provide this Honourable House with an update on my Ministry’s intentions regarding the financial assistance programme.
As you know, it is the Government’s intent to reform the programme, and this initiative was included in this year’s Throne Speech. However, the work was begun last year with the establishment of the Financial Assistance Reform Group.
Mr Speaker, The Reform Group worked diligently and produced a final set of recommendations detailed in their Financial Assistance Reform Group Recommendations Report.
When the Department of Financial Assistance was moved to the Ministry of Health, we reviewed the recommendations and Cabinet has accepted a number of them, which will pave the way to reform the programme.
The Report has been published on our website, along with details of the recommendations that will drive our reforms.
But first, Mr Speaker, I want to set the context about the Financial Assistance programme, as I have found that there are many misconceptions about the programme and the population it serves.
To begin, I think the public would like to understand that most Financial Assistance recipients are seniors, disabled persons and child day care recipients. Only 26% are able-bodied adults.
In fact, as at January 2019, there were 3,268 recipients in total, as follows:
- 1,184 Pensioners/Seniors
- 896 Persons with disabilities
- 214 Abled-bodies unemployed
- 362 Persons with low earnings
- 612 Child day care allowance
Financial Assistance is committed to making work pay and its award structure provides a foundation for this, as persons do not lose all benefits if they find some employment. More work is being done to advance this policy to help get more people back to work.
Mr Speaker, When the Reform Group was first established, its intended purpose was to reduce abuse, discourage dependency and ensure that work pays. These are important goals, however, in light of the profile of the persons in need of such assistance, and the type of supports granted, it has become clear that the focus of reform should be on making the programme financially sustainable, improving efficiency and ensuring a more equitable allocation of awards.
Our decisions have been guided by the Internal Audit report completed subsequent to the Reform Group’s conclusion. There were a number of overlaps between the two, but together, and in light of the appointment of a new Director of Financial Assistance, we have been able to have a more focused and targeted approach to achieve the most impactful reforms.
To begin, Mr Speaker, the Internal Audit report recommendations are being acted on immediately to bring urgent essential improvements as soon as possible over the next 12 to 18 months. These have already begun and will reduce waste, control budgets and improve service to recipients and applicants. For example:
A working committee has been set up to improve the current database system and use technology to improve efficiency in the future.
Customer service training is being sourced to commence before summer. We want all of our workers to have a courteous, sensitive and professional approach towards our clients and their needs.
A new intake process is being implemented. The department has reviewed their ‘pre-screening’ process and the new system should reduce the time that clients will have to sit for their initial interview. Further, a 30 day window has been implemented so that clients will receive a response in a timely manner.
Job Search sheets have been replaced with mandatory usage of the Bermuda Job Board. Clients are expected to visit the Department of Workforce Development, meet with a Career Development Officer, have their resumes updated, participate in skills testing and search for employment opportunities on the Job Board. Evidence of this activity must be submitted to the Department of Financial Assistance to qualify for a financial award.
Mr Speaker, in addition to these operational improvements, we will be strategically focused on ensuring a more equitable allocation of awards and achieving financial sustainability of the programme. In this regard, a fundamental reform we will undertake is to change the formula that is used to determine eligibility and awards. Specifically, we will amend the legislated formula to establish awards so that eligibility is based on measures associated with the ‘low income threshold’ calculated by the Department of Statistics, rather than the current (allowable) Expenses – (qualifying) Income = (FA) Award.
Further, Mr Speaker, as Minister of Health, I want us to see changes that will discourage the purchase of non-nutritive food and beverages, as is currently done with tobacco and alcohol. And I would like to find ways for the Government to recover debt and/or off-set the cost of benefits through the property of deceased financial assistance recipients. Mr Speaker, as a country we can no longer afford for the state to subsidize persons’ inheritances, as currently happens.
Mr Speaker, Honourable Members, as you will know the Financial Assistance programme is vital to our community. It is the only form of welfare available to assist the vulnerable, frail and infirm, and the only means to prevent families from descending into poverty. However, funds are finite and we have to make sure that we use them efficiently and they reach the right people. We expect that the reforms under way will change the face of the programme to achieve financial sustainability and a more equitable allocation of awards.
Thank you, Mr Speaker
Reform Group Recommendations
Financial Assistance Reform Group Recommendations
Today Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP updated the House of Assembly on the Government’s reform of the financial assistance programme. The report by the Financial Assistance Reform Group will be published on its website at The report contains 30 recommendations, 17 of which have been prioritized. The Ministry’s priorities for the programme are to ensure a more equitable allocation of awards and achieve financial sustainability.
Financial Assistance Reform Group 30 Recommendations
Recommendation |
Decision |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Not accepted: Will conduct review by management services to determine best practice operational procedures and structure. |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Not accepted: these opportunities are becoming fewer in terms of where work can be found. All clients are encouraged to work and volunteer wherever possible. |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Not required: this is already in place. DFA can now go directly to DOI to gather such information. |
Not accepted: The number of people reliant of this program will continue to be dependent until other economic factors change such as employment availability, cost control of a ‘basket of staple foods’, livable wage etc. |
Not accepted: Viability and impact are not certain as this program has not had a great amount of success at DWD with apprentices/trainees. |
Not accepted: More analytics and development required to assess viability. |
Not accepted: Additional taxes are not deemed viable. |
Not accepted: Unclear how this will benefit the department other than the initial savings. In fact, in order to get clients off of the assistance program they should be allowed to save a certain amount of their funds otherwise they will not have the opportunity to ‘catch up’ and become self-sufficient. |
Not accepted: Not viable as there are less and less seniors that have any savings. |
Not accepted: There are a number initiatives and seniors groups/churches that apply time and resources to this subject. |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Accepted |
Not accepted: This will place the programme in a vulnerable position. |
Accepted |
Not accepted: The purpose is unclear. A needs assessment would be required first. |
Accepted (where viable) |
Accepted (where viable) |
Not accepted: Unviable as there are few suppliers of prescription drugs, they are imported without coding, and controls in addition to existing ones are unviable without coding. |