The Ministry of Health and Seniors would like to remind the public that 27 June is National HIV Testing Day.
The Department of Health is taking this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of knowing your HIV status. Talk with your physician about being tested. Free and confidential testing is available at the Communicable Disease Control Clinic at 67 Victoria Street. It is recommended that HIV testing be included as a part of everyone’s regular health routine to keep you and our community healthy.
The Minister of Health and Seniors, the Hon. Jeanne Atherden, CA, CPA, JP, MP, said: “Although June 27 is HIV Testing Day, testing is available year round, so remember to get tested and know your status.”
For more information about testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in Bermuda visit: https://www.gov.bm/online-services/get-tested-sexually-transmitted-infections-stis. Statistics are also available on this portal.