The Office of the Registrar of Companies (“RoC”) advises all stakeholders of the contingency plan that has been temporarily implemented until such time as the government network services are restored.
Email Correspondences
Please note that all @gov.bm email addresses are down. Alternative email addresses are provided below. Please ensure the subject line of all correspondences includes the entity name and registration number, and any reference code previously supplied to the RoC for economic substance submissions.
Contact Numbers
Please be advised that the phone lines below will be active with effect from Wednesday, 27 September 2023.
RoC Online Portal
The RoC online portal is fully operational to submit applications and conduct basic online searches.
Contact Details by Section
114B/129A Licences & Real Estate Licences
+1 (441) 707-5932
If you submitted real estate licence applications since 11 September 2023, we request that you resubmit your application with all supporting documents and proof of payment to the temporary mailbox at realestatebermuda@gmail.com.
Insolvency & Liquidations
+1 (441) 707-5941
If you are submitting an application for a dissolution certificate OR if you have previously applied for dissolution for which a certificate has not yet been issued, please ensure you send all related email correspondences of previous MVL filings (including declarations of solvency, notice of appointment, final general meeting, and all relevant gazetted advertisements, etc.), including proof of payment of the MVL filing fees as well as the related email receipts issued by our ROC Revenue team in that regard. The provision of adequate information ensures that your application will be reviewed by our Liquidations team thoroughly and in a timely manner.
General Inquiries & Registration
+1 (441) 707-8142
Registration and licence applications, as well as, searches can still be submitted in the ordinary course. Payments can also be made online via top-up account or by credit card. Please note that the RoC is unable to confirm new online top-up accounts at this time and will advise when this has been remedied.
+1 (441) 707-8143
+1 (441) 707-8144
For urgent matters concerning the RoC Compliance Team‘s Economic Substance and Corporate Governance monitoring exercises; please send all correspondence to the temporary mailbox at roccompliancebermuda@gmail.com.
The secure Economic Substance portal continues to be available for submitting declarations during this time. Further notices will be issued as access is fully restored.
Regulatory, Enforcement and Policy
+1 (441) 707-8145
For any correspondence in respect of enforcement actions, please contact us at the temporary mailbox at rocenforcement@gmail.com.