The 2020-2021 Bursary Awards are available for accredited post-secondary programmes of study both locally and overseas.
The bursaries are valued at a maximum of $20,000 each, per year. To be considered for a Bursary Award, applicants must:
- be Bermudian.
- have completed no less than five years of schooling in Bermuda.
- be 40 years of age or under, at date of application.
- have been accepted into an institution of higher learning or currently be undertaking courses leading to a professional, specialist or technical qualification required within the Public Service.
- be in an Undergraduate or Master’s Degree programme.
- be planning a career in the Public Service upon completion of their education.
Only fully completed bursary applications, regarding the areas of study specified and received by the deadline, will be considered.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4:45 p.m. Friday, 19th June 2020.
For more details and to apply for the 2020-2021 Public Service Bursary Awards’ scheme, please visit:https://www.gov.bm/online-services/public-service-bursary-award-scheme.