As Bermuda advances its Economic Development Strategy, we are actively seeking to develop investment opportunities and relationships with the Middle East, a region that values our business environment, and our position as a successful and trusted global investment and trade jurisdiction.
Further to that interest, a special eight-page publication focusing on Bermuda's appeal as a premier financial services centre was recently produced by Global FDI Reports and published in partnership with Gulf News.
The eight-page Bermuda Report was strategically advanced to coincide with the planned travel to the UAE by Premier David Burt and Deputy Premier Walter Roban in November and December 2023.
As the public will recall, Premier Burt visited Dubai to support the Government's business development objectives, as part of the island's Economic Development Strategy 2023-25. And the Deputy Premier, as Minister of Home Affairs, represented Bermuda's environmental agenda at the 28th Session of the Conference of the Parties, more widely known as COP28.
Gulf News is the only English language business publication in the UAE. Its average daily print circulation of around 80,000 and the Gulf News Bermuda feature was an exclusive full-colour printed and digital publication.
The publication is distributed in three primary ways - a print publication, a digital release, and via membership email. The print version was included as a Gulf News newspaper insert, ensuring high visibility and exposure to an exclusive audience.
Gulfnews.com is the digital platform of Gulf News and is the most widely read business site in the Middle East. Monthly desktop views of gulfnews.com total 45 million, while mobile views of gulfnews.com total 155 million views per month.
In addition to highlighting the existing investment opportunities for regional and international investors, the Special Bermuda Report also showcased the island's cultural and tourism offerings. So, this was considered an ideal platform to increase awareness about Bermuda, and the region's feedback has been positive.
Lastly, it's not unusual for international promotional materials, supplements, publications, and collateral information to be produced to highlight the benefits of a jurisdiction’s key initiatives, successes, or activities. Bermuda has previously been featured in the Financial Times, The Economist, and other highly visible industry-related publications. The Gulf News Special Bermuda Report cost covered content creation, print and digital promotion, and distribution. The cost for the publication is allocated for under the Department of Economy Development’s budget.
Finally, please note additional coverage from local and international entities highlighting and supporting Bermuda's attendance at the COP28 events last November and December.
Link to the Bermuda Gulf News Report: (gulfnews.com)
Links to Bermuda’s COP28 participation:
- UAE Visit to Abu Dhabi Finance Week & COP28
- Minister Roban - COP28 Ministerial Panel Discussion
- The Premier and Deputy Premier attend COP28
- Premier Burt's update on United Nations COP28
- https://www.reinsurancene.ws/bermuda-aims-to-become-the-climate-risk-capital-the-government-states-as-cop28-starts/
- https://www.bermudareinsurancemagazine.com/news/bermuda-aims-to-be-world-climate-risk-capital
- https://www.theinsurertv.com/news-in-focus/bermuda-premier-highlights-climate-finance-initiatives-at-cop28-in-dubai/
- https://islandinnovation.co/news/premier-david-burt-and-deputy-premier-walter-roban-government-of-bermuda-to-attend-cop28/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZjH474DPog
- https://www.gov.bm/articles/cop28-bermuda-difference-white-paper