Once a matter has been completed, a judgment or decision is given. After a judgment is given in Court, it is available online.
The following are the 2008 judgments made in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Use the search tool to find previous judgments from the Courts.
Court of Appeal Judgments
K Roberts v Director of Public Prosecutions [2008] CA (Bda) 1 Civ (19 March 2008)
H L Evans v The Queen [2008] CA (Bda) 2 Crim (19 March 2008)
K J Burgess & D A Robinson v The Queen [2008] CA (Bda) 3 Crim (19 March 2008)
J Deuss v The Attorney General [2008] CA (Bda) 4 Civ (25 April 2008)
W M Hollis et al v A Scrymgeour [2008] CA (Bda) 5 Civ (5 June 2008)
T N Selassie v The Queen [2008] CA (Bda) 6 Crim (18 June 2008)
D J Cox and J Dillas v The Queen [2008] CA (Bda) 7 Crim (14 November 2008)
L W Marshall et al v The Deputy Governor of Bermuda et al [2008] CA (Bda) 8 Civ (28 November 2008)
O A Reid v The Queen [2008] CA (Bda) 9 Crim (28 November 2008)
J H Ting et al v C Borrelli et al [2008] CA (Bda) 10 Civ (28 November 2008)
Supreme Court Judgments
R -v- Thompson [2008] SC (Bda) 63 Crim (15 December 2008)
PT Tenaga Bumi Bali -v- Bali Energy Ltd. et al [2008] SC (Bda) 64 Civ (22 December 2008)
Tanisha Rampersad et al. -v- Runekco Edwards et al. [2008] SC (Bda) 57 Civ (7 November 2008)
In the Matter of Harrington International Insurance Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 58 Civ (12 November 2008)
In the Matter of Julian Ernest Sinclair Phillips Hall [2008] SC (Bda) 59 Bankruptcy (12 November 2008)
Natalie Chiranji et al. -v- John Andrew Bento et al. [2008] SC (Bda) 60 Civ (17 November 2008)
BNY AIS Nominees Limited et al -v- Stewardship Credit Arbitrage Fund Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 61 Com (27 November 2008)
The Minister of Labour, Home Affairs & Housing -v- The Permanent Police Tribunal et al. [2008] SC (Bda) 62 Civ (28 November 2008)
The Bermuda Telephone Company Limited -v- The Minister of Telecommunications & E-Commerce [2008] SC (Bda) 51 Civ (6 October 2008)
Thomas Manfred Hofer -v- The Bermuda Hospitals Board [2008] SC (Bda) 52 Civ (9 October 2008)
Capital G Bank -v- Wendell Tyrone Eve & Carlisle L A Simmons [2008] SC (Bda) 53 Com (16 October 2008)
Tracey Morrissey -v- Masters Limited [2008] SC (Bda) 54 Civ (17 October 2008)
Lisa S.A. -v- Leamington Reinsurance Company Limited et at. [2008] SC (Bda) 55 Com (17 October 2008)
Richard Cox -v- Eunice Lambert [2008] SC (Bda) 56 App (30 October 2008)
Commercial Properties Limited -v- Sago Properties Limited [2008] SC (Bda) 45 Civ (2 September 2008)
Sonya Darrell -v- Lynda Sharon Peets-Swan [2008] SC (Bda) 46 Civ (3 September 2008)
Lisa S.A. -v- Leamington Reinsurance Company Limited et al.[2008] SC (Bda) 47 Com (5 September 2008)
James Haire -v- Liquor Licensing Authority [2008] SC (Bda) 48 App (16 September 2008)
The Queen -v- Goodwin Davano Spencer [2008] SC (Bda) 49 Crim (26 September 2008)
Harold Joseph Darrell -v- Chief Executive Officers, Board of Directors, Bank of Bermuda [2008] SC (Bda) 50 Civ (29 September 2008)
A Cox v R L Butterfield [2008] SC (Bda) 41 App (1 July 2008)
R v R Cooper [2008] SC (Bda) 44 Crim (4 July 2008)
P A Wellman v J M Wellman [2008] SC (Bda) 42 Civ (18 July 2008)
W M Hollis et al v A Scrymgeour [2008] COA (Bda) 33 Civ (5 June 2008)
Lisa S.A. v Leamington Reinsurance Co. Ltd. et al [2008] SC (Bda) 35 Com (9 June 2008)
C Simons v L Darrell et al [2008] SC Bda 36 Civ (11 June 2008)
Orconsult Limited v C Blinckle et al [2008] SC (Bda) 38 Civ (18 June 2008)
A W v Director of Child & Family Services [2008] SC (Bda) 39 App (20 June 2008)
T Hofer v The Bermuda Hospitals Board [2008] SC (Bda) 40 Civ (26 June 2008)
A T Caines v The Public Service Commission et al [2008] SC (Bda) 28 App (14 May 2008)
- C S Roberts Jr. v Commissioner of Police et al [2008] SC (Bda) 29 Civ (16 May 2008)
Argus Insurance Co. Ltd. v P Y M Duclos [2008] SC (Bda) 30 Com (16 May 2008)
- In the Matter of Extraordinary Mayoral Election [2008] SC (Bda) 31 Civ (16 May 2008)
J Hall [2008] SC (Bda) 32 Bankruptcy (23 May 2008)
A Simmons et al v A Frith Cartwright et al [2008] SC (Bda) 34 Civ (21 May 2008)
In the of Matter of Dickson Group Holdings Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 37 Com (9 May 2008)
S Arshad v S Arshad [2008] SC (Bda) 21 Div (1 April 2008)
M Roberts v L Raynor [2008] SC (Bda) 22 App (3 April 2008)
D Ming v C Simmons et al [2008] SC (Bda) 23 Civ (3 April 2008)
N Anandacoomarasamy v A Cox [2008] SC (Bda) 24 App (10 April 2008)
A Walsh et al v Horizon Bank Int Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 25 Com (31 March 2008)
Montpelier Reinsurance Ltd. v Manufacturers Property & Casualty Limited [2008] SC (Bda) 27 Com (24 April 2008)
L Marshall et al v Deputy Governor et al [2008] SC (Bda) 9 Civ (7 March 2008)
L Robinson v Minister of Health & Family Services et al [2008] SC (Bda) 10 Civ (7 March 2008)
D Araujo v M Araujo [2008] SC (Bda) 11 March 2008)
Montpelier Re Ltd. v Manufacturers Property [2008] SC (Bda) 12 Com (11 March 2008)
- G Simmons v The Commissioner of Police [2008] SC (Bda) 13 Civ (14 March 2008)
- D Araujo v M Araujo [2008] SC (Bda) 14 Div (17 March 2008)
F Bromby et al v H Talbot [2008] SC (Bda) 15 Civ (19 March 2008)
Colonial Insurance v S Majors et al [2008] SC (Bda) 16 Civ (20 March 2008)
L Stoneham et al v The Attorney-General et al [2008] SC (Bda) 17 Civ (26 March 2008)
R Ramnarie v The Commissioner of Police [2008] SC (Bda) 18 Civ (28 March 2008)
D Ming v R Horseman et al [2008] SC (Bda) 19 Civ (31 March 2008)
A Walsh et al v Horizon Bank [2008] SC (Bda) 20 Com (31 March 2008)
Rev. PLC Haynes - Judicial Review [2008] SC (Bda) 5 Civ (6 February 2008)
D Wingate v Butterfield Trust (Bda) Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 6 Civ (11 February 2008)
U Finn- Hendrickson v The Minister for Education [2008] SC (Bda) 7 Civ (15 February 2008)
G Robinson v Somers Isles Shipping Ltd. [2008] SC (Bda) 8 Civ (29 February 2008)
R Sousa v C Ricketts [2008] SC (Bda) 1 Civ (11 January 2008)
- W Rubaine v S King [2008] SC (Bda) 2 Civ (11 January 2008)
- R Sousa v C Ricketts [2008] SC (Bda) 3 Civ (16 January 2008)
- A Walsh et al v Horizon Bank [2008] SC (Bda) 4 Com (28 January 2008)