Updated on 6 November, 2024.
1. What is the 3-Tier to 2-Tier Transition Plan?
The 3-2 Tier Plan is part of Bermuda’s Education Reform. It will phase out middle schools and transition to a system of Parish Primary Schools (serving up to Year 8) and Signature Senior Schools, which will offer specialised programmes. This new structure aims to improve learning environments and provide equitable access to quality education for all students.
2. When did the education reform transition begin, and what are the upcoming phases?
The transition began in 2022 with the first cohort of senior school students starting their Signature Learning Programmes. In September 2023, the first two Parish Primary Schools opened in Warwick and Hamilton parish. The next phase will occur in from 2025 through 2027:
- Primary school closures will continue, as previously announced, in June 2025
- Parish Primary Schools will continue to open in September 2025
- The next Signature Senior Schools will continue to open in September 2025 at the Sandys Secondary Middle School site
3. Which schools will close, and when?
June 2025:
- Gilbert Institute
- Prospect Primary
4. Which schools will transition to Parish Primary Schools?
Several primary schools will close, while others will be transformed into Parish Primary Schools that serve students up to Year 8. These include:
- Sandys Parish: West End Primary
- Southampton Parish: Dalton E. Tucker Primary
- Paget Parish: Paget Primary
- Pembroke Parish: West Pembroke Primary, Victor Scott Primary
- Devonshire Parish: Elliot Primary
- Smith’s Parish: Harrington Sound Primary
- St. George’s Parish: East End Primary, St. David’s Primary
5. What are Signature Schools, and how will they operate?
Signature Senior Schools will offer specialised programmes that provide students with pathways to career readiness and college preparation. Each school will focus on specific industries and skills:
- Sandys Parish: Hospitality and Tourism, Education Services (Opens 2025)
- The Berkeley Institute: Financial and Insurance Services and Health and Social Care
- CedarBridge Academy: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Culture and Math), Trades and Professions
- Clearwater: Climate, Environment & Resources/Community & Social Investment (opening TBC)
- Dellwood: Alternate Signature School (Opening TBC)
- Prospect Site: Exceptionalities Signature School (Opening TBC)
6. How will this plan affect staffing?
The transition will involve staff redeployment to ensure that each school has the expertise required to deliver high-quality education. Teachers and support staff will be moved where needed, particularly to schools experiencing changes in student populations or special programme requirements. Efforts will be made to align staff expertise with the educational needs of each school.
7. What will happen to middle schools?
Middle schools will be phased out as part of the transition. The plan is to repurpose some of these sites for other educational needs, such as special programmes or expanded senior school capacity.
8. How will students be affected by these changes?
The transition plan is designed to minimize disruption for students, with a focus on providing families and staff with ample notice and support throughout the process.
9. What special programmes will be available at Parish Primary Schools?
While not all Parish Primary Schools will host specialized programmes, we will ensure that classes for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Functional Skills are available throughout the Bermuda Public School System, so that all students can access the assistance they need. Each Parish Primary School will also enhance its services, including, but not limited to; counselling, learning support, and behaviour support, to further promote student well-being and success.
10. How does this plan address historical significance and legacy?
The plan incorporated a “History and Legacy” factor as part of the school evaluation process, recognizing the historical significance and community impact of schools across the system. Schools were also assessed on various criteria, including building conditions, safety, transportation, and their unique historical contributions to the community.
11. What role will preschool play in the new system?
Each Parish Primary School will ultimately have an on-site preschool, creating a seamless connection between early childhood education and primary schooling. The aime is to have up to three preschool cohorts housed at each Parish Primary location, ensuring continuity for families and young learners.
12. How will the community be engaged during this process?
Community engagement is key to this transition. Parents, students, teachers, and community partners will continue to provide feedback through School Transformation Teams (STTs) and other engagement sessions. The ERU will also provide regular updates and consultations to ensure transparency and support throughout the process.
13. How much notice will we receive before school closures or transitions?
Schools and their communities will receive a minimum of 12 months’ notice before any school closures to ensure transparency and allow ample time for planning and transition.
14. What steps are being taken to prepare for the 3-2 Tier transition?
The ERU is working closely with the Department of Education and school leadership teams to progress the transition plan. Regular updates will be shared with all stakeholders, and preparations are underway to ensure a smooth process, including renovations, staffing adjustments, and programme implementation.