How do I apply for a Water Right?
Before constructing a well or borehole, you must apply for a Water Right. Only after approval by the Environmental Authority may the well or borehole be constructed.
- Domestic Well (less than 500 imperial gallons per day) - $90 every 5 years
- Commercial Well (more than 500 imperial gallons per day) - $550 every 5 years
Fees are updated in the Government Fees Regulations (Head 80, Page 67).
The hydrogeologist will determine whether the flows proposed on the Water Right application can be accommodated within the current demand for the water lens. The findings of the hydrogeologist and other factors will be considered by the Environmental Authority during their monthly meetings.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will contact the applicant with the outcome.
Contact Information
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- P.O Box HM 834, Hamilton HM CX
- 441 236 4201