Minister of Transport Update on School Minibus Service – June 13

The Minister of Transport, the Hon. Lawrence Scott, JP, MP, has issued the following update regarding the school minibus service.
“Since September 2021, the Ministry of Transport has contracted the services of two minibus companies to operate school student transportation. As with any Government, contract vendors are required to comply with banking regulations and due diligence requirements to operate a business. The Ministry contracted with two minibus companies to provide student transportation. Due to their internal operations, one vendor could not receive payments from the Bermuda Government. The Ministry has been in talks with the vendor to guide and resolve the outstanding issues.
“For the remaining school year (14 days), the DPT will continue using minibuses managed by the second company and deploy public buses to help with school routes. Today, 13 June, DPT had one-morning cancellation on the regular bus service. However, this afternoon DPT was unable to provide transportation to four schools- West End Primary, Port Royal Primary School, Berkeley Institute, and Harrington Sound Primary. Schools were notified in advance for students and parents to make alternative transportation arrangements.”
Minister Scott added, “Over the next two weeks, commuters can expect a few delays. However, we are working diligently to service routes with minimal disruptions. I wish to thank the bus operators and the Union and Management teams at DPT for their assistance and support.”