DPT Notice: Detours due to Bermuda Triangle Challenge

The Department of Public Transportation (DPT) advises that there will be detours for Route 3,10 and 11 buses due to road closures associated with the Bermuda Triangle Challenge. The detours will be in effect on Saturday, January 14th and Sunday January 15th. Journey times on these routes will be impacted by the detours.
Saturday January 14th 8:00 am to approximately 11:30 am
Inbound to Hamilton: Route 3, 10 and 11 buses will travel their normal routes until Flatts. They will then detour via Flatt’s Hill, Middle Road Smiths, Verdmont Road, Collectors Hill, South Road, Point Finger Road and East Broadway to Hamilton.
Outbound from Hamilton: Route 3 buses will travel via Spurling Hill, East Broadway, Point Finger Road, South Road rejoining their normal route at Knapton Hill Road. Route 10 and 11 buses will travel via Cedar Avenue, St. Johns Road, Berkeley Road and North Shore Road to St. Georges.
Sunday January 15th 7:00 am until approximately 1:00pm
Inbound to Hamilton: Route 10 and 11 buses will travel via their normal routes until the Black Watch Pass and North Shore Road Roundabout. They will then detour via North Shore Road, Berkeley Road, St. Johns Road, Cedar Avenue to Hamilton.
Outbound from Hamilton: Route 10 and 11 buses will travel via Cedar Avenue, St. Johns Road, Berkeley Road and North Shore Road to St. Georges.