Update on Work Permit Applications

The Department of Immigration (DOI) is pleased to provide updates on work permit applications.
DOI can advise that all submissions, including those made before September 20th, are still being processed, and while documents cannot be printed, employers will be informed of any decision.
Meanwhile, all work permit applications must continue to be submitted via DOI's Dropbox on the first floor of the Government Administration Building, Parliament Street, Hamilton.
Before submitting work permit applications, please make payments online to the DOI's HSBC account and include proof of payment in the application. The payment information is available online at www.gov.bm/all-immigration-fees.
Lastly, while the bermudajobboard.bm remains offline, the requirement to advertise on this platform will be waived. However, any advertisements on other local media should be submitted. Where the results for advertisements previously placed on the bermudajobboard.bm are unobtainable, employers must include the dates the ads ran in the application form.
Please direct all inquiries related to the Department of Immigration to Dr. Danette Ming, Chief Immigration Officer, at 704-1444 or Ms. Marita Grimes, Assistant Chief Immigration Officer, at 705-1393