The Attorney-General to Further Review Criminal Injuries Compensations

This evening, the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, The Hon. Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP, MP, issued a statement in response to the recent decision from the Court of Appeal in the case concerning the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
Attorney-General Simmons said: “I acknowledge the decision of the Court of Appeal in the recent Criminal Injuries Compensation Board matter. In reviewing the judgment, it is noted that the Court recommended that I, along with the assistance of the Board, consider whether an ex gratia payment of compensation should be paid to the Applicants.
Whilst this is only a recommendation, I have already been in contact with the Chairman of the Board to ensure that the proper resolution of the cases in question takes place, to guarantee the best possible outcome for the parties involved.
The judgment is instructive in assisting the Ministry with ongoing reforms to ensure the effectiveness of our Boards and Committees. In consultation with the Board, we now intend to consider the practicality of the current legislative time limits for submitting applications to the Board, given the difficulties encountered by the Applicants in meeting timelines.
I can confirm that the proposals advanced by the Court will be considered on an expedited basis, being cognizant of the trauma suffered by Applicants, and the corresponding need to assist by ensuring a more accessible and streamlined application process.“