Magistrates Complete International Training Course

Members of the Bermuda judicial bench recently concluded their participation in a one-week virtual international training course tailored for Coroners and Judges.
Last month, the Senior Magistrate and Coroner, Ms. Maxanne Anderson, along with Magistrates Mr. Tyrone Chin, Ms. Maria Sofianos, Ms. Aura Cassidy and the Coroner's Officer Sergeant Lyndon Raynor participated in A Practical Course for Coroners and Judges training along with participants from the United Kingdom, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, St Lucia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Isle of Man.
This comprehensive training was conducted by Sr. Peter Thornton, Kings Counsel, under the auspices of the Civil Service College Limited in London, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association.
Reflecting on the significance of their participation, Senior Magistrate Anderson remarked, "Our engagement in this international training is timely and relevant for Bermuda as we embark on the task of reviewing our existing legislation to correspond it with international standards within the current legal landscape."
The course included insightful presentations from key speakers from the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association. It entailed an examination and deliberation on the legal frameworks, practices, and customs in diverse jurisdictions. Additionally, participants explored the approaches adopted by various jurisdictions in addressing topical issues such as COVID-19-related deaths, fatalities in custody, Jury Inquests, and the practical procedure associated with conducting Coroner's Inquests, from pre-inquest hearings to the rendering of verdicts.