Transport Control Department Advises Taxi Operators on Meter Calibration

The Transport Control Department (TCD) is informing taxi operators requiring meter calibration to visit the North Street, Hamilton location to have their equipment adjusted.

The vendor, who could not make the necessary adjustments in April, has now resolved the new taxi meter rates issues.

A spokesperson for TCD stated, "Most vehicles with incorrect rates have been addressed. However, approximately 100 vehicles still need the corrected rate adjustment. The equipment to fix the incorrect rate 4 and 'waiting times' rate is now available at the Transport Control Department. Taxis equipped with digital meters remain unaffected by the technical constraints faced by standard meters."

"The department strongly advises that vehicles with the incorrect rate 4 to come to have the work completed as soon as possible. Taxi operators can come to TCD during business hours starting tomorrow, Tuesday, 28 May 2024, to have their meters programmed."