Public Encouraged to Offer Input at the Department of Culture’s AGM

Culture Annual General Meeting

The Department of Culture was pleased to welcome members of the public to its Cultural Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, June 2nd at the Leopard’s Club, Hamilton. 

This year, the AGM is devoted to listening to the views of Bermuda’s artists and cultural stakeholders on the future of the Department’s programmes, events, and priorities.  During the summer, the Department will use this feedback to assess its programmes and the funding it provides to the community. 

The feedback gathered from the AGM will also be used to create actionable plans for the Department moving forward. Around 85 people attended last Sunday’s event held between 11 am and 2 pm. 

Using a dynamic marketplace model for the event, the Department invited attendees to pick the topics most important to them and move around the room to discuss what they want from the Department.  The topics covered included: 

  • How should we celebrate our people?
  • How should we preserve our heritage?
  • How can we best develop our creatives?
  • How do we establish better cultural connections in Bermuda and with overseas partners?


The Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, Sen. The Hon. Owen K. Darrell, JP said, “Following a remarkable showcase of Bermudian culture this past Heritage Month, the Department of Culture has once again gone above and beyond to find innovative ways of celebrating our culture. 

“I am encouraged by the number of people who used this momentum to share their ideas with our dedicated staff at the Department of Culture to be incorporated into future programmes and event offerings to develop our local artists.” 

After the feedback sessions, complimentary dishes were available for attendees, from a showcase of culinary craftsman including Ashley’s Lemonade, Rock Island Coffee, Portuguese Bakery, Duch Pops, Plant-Based Fuel BDA, Quality Catering, and Jamaican Grill.