Ministry of Tourism Culture & Sport responds to National Hero report

“Totally confused by this characterization,” said a Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport spokesperson today following media coverage suggesting the Premier's Concert on June 30, 2024, deliberately insulted Sir John Swan. 

The Ministry spokesperson continued, “On the night, Sir John was delighted with the event, and effusive in his praise of the whole Department of Culture team. In his own inimitable style, he hugged and kissed the organisers after the show. We know Sir John well in the Department and believe me, if he was unhappy, he would have said so there and then, as he has done so in the past when he has felt we haven’t gotten it right.”

 For clarity and context, the format for the Premier’s Concert has been a staple of the event for some years and as the programmes from 2022 and 2023 indicate, the same format was followed, with the Minister giving closing remarks, followed by a finale.  

In 2022, the final tribute was for Dr. Pauulu Kamarakafego and in 2023, Dr. E.F. Gordon; on both occasions after the then-Minister gave closing remarks.

 The spokesperson concluded, “The Premier’s Concert is not a political event. It is one which the Department of Culture proudly produces to display Bermudian talent combined with a celebration of the women and men whose lives have been lived in service to the people of Bermuda. The order of events or tributes in no way minimizes any National Hero's contribution to the Island and this is the first time that such a suggestion has been made. The team produced a dignified event and, on the night, our only living National Hero appeared to agree. The Department is committed to growing the event, engaging more of our young people and doing its part to ensure that our National Heroes and their legacies are celebrated.”