DENR Responds to Spotted Lanternfly Sightings on Cruise Ships En Route to Bermuda

On September 2, 2024, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) responded to reports of spotted lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula), an invasive insect species, found aboard two cruise ships travelling from the U.S. to Bermuda: the Carnival Venezia and Carnival Pride.
DENR inspectors, led by Government Entomologist Claire Jessey, boarded the Carnival Venezia upon its arrival in Bermuda on September 2, 2024. After a thorough inspection, only dead lanternflies were found on exterior decks, and no live specimens were detected. Meanwhile, the Carnival Pride was contacted while at sea, where crew members conducted pest control efforts. Upon arrival, DENR inspectors performed a quarantine inspection and cleared the vessel to enter Bermuda after no significant pest risk was found.
Both ships fully cooperated with DENR's protocols, ensuring the effective elimination of the invasive pest.
The spotted lanternfly could threaten agriculture and is known for damaging crops and plants. DENR is investigating whether recent weather events and increased insect populations along the U.S. East Coast contributed to its presence on these vessels. The Department will advise local shipping agents to closely monitor vessels arriving from northeastern U.S. ports for any signs of lanternflies.
Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban commended all parties for their quick response, stating, "I extend my gratitude to HM Customs and the ships’ agents for efficiently processing DENR staff on and off the vessels, to the Department of Marine and Ports Services, particularly the Harbourmaster, for facilitating the vessel's offshore holding, and to the exceptional Pilot Boat team for safely transferring inspectors to the ship. I also thank the public for their vigilance and prompt reporting, which allowed DENR to address this environmental concern quickly. Bermuda remains committed to preventing the introduction of harmful species that could threaten its environment and agriculture."
The public is encouraged to report any sightings of spotted lanternflies or other unfamiliar insects, plants or animals to and