Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2025

Effective January 8, 2025, the Ministry of Economy and Labour advises the public that the Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2024 has been revoked and replaced with the Bermuda Immigration and Protection (Prohibition of Entry) Order 2025 (attached).
Nationals of the countries provided in the Schedule below are prohibited from entering Bermuda unless one of the following apply:
- The individual has travel authorization to enter and re-enter Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States, with such travel authorization being valid for forty-five days from the date of intended departure from Bermuda.
- The individual produces a current letter issued by the Government attesting that the person is a spouse of a Bermudian or belongs to Bermuda according to section 11(5) of the Bermuda Constitution Order 1968.
Please note that Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have been removed from the list of countries requiring entry visas. Additionally, the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, and Vietnam are now subject to exceptions, while Colombia has been added to the list.
(1) Afghanistan
(2) Albania
(3) Algeria
(4) Angola
(5) Armenia
(6) Azerbaijan
(7) Bangladesh
(8) Belarus
(9) Benin
(10) Bhutan
(11) Bolivia
(12) Bosnia Herzegovina
(13) Burkina Faso
(14) Burundi
(15) Cambodia
(16) Cameroon
(17) Cape Verde
(18) Central African Republic
(19) Chad
(20) People’s Republic of China*
(21) Colombia
(22) Comoros
(23) Congo
(24) Côte d’Ivoire (formerly Ivory Coast)
(25) Cuba
(26) Democratic Republic of the Congo
(27) Djibouti
(28) Dominica
(29) Dominican Republic
(30) Ecuador
(31) Egypt
(32) El Salvador
(33) Equatorial Guinea
(34) Eritrea
(35) Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
(36) Ethiopia
(37) Fiji
(38) Gabon
(39) Gambia
(40) Georgia
(41) Ghana
(42) Guinea
(43) Guinea Bissau
(44) Haiti
(45) Honduras
(46) India
(47) Indonesia*
(48) Iran
(49) Iraq
(50) Jamaica
(51) Jordan
(52) Kazakhstan
(53) Kenya
(54) Korea (North)
(55) Kosovo
(56) Kyrgyzstan
(57) Laos
(58) Lebanon
(59) Lesotho
(60) Liberia
(61) Libya
(62) Madagascar
(63) Malawi
(64) Mali
(65) Mauritania
(66) Moldova
(67) Mongolia
(68) Montenegro
(69) Morocco
(70) Mozambique
(71) Myanmar (formerly Burma)
(72) Namibia
(73) Nepal
(74) Niger
(75) Nigeria
(76) North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia)
(77) Pakistan
(78) Philippines
(79) Russia
(80) Rwanda
(81) São Tomé and Principe
(82) Senegal
(83) Serbia
(84) Sierra Leone
(85) Somalia
(86) South Africa*
(87) South Sudan
(88) Sri Lanka
(89) Sudan
(90) Suriname
(91) Syria
(92) Taiwan*
(93) Tajikistan
(94) Tanzania
(95) Thailand
(96) Timor-Leste
(97) Togo
(98) Tunisia
(99) Turkey*
(100) Turkmenistan
(101) Uganda
(102) Ukraine
(103) Uzbekistan
(104) Vanuatu
(105) Venezuela
(106) Vietnam*
(107) Yemen
(108) Zambia
(109) Zimbabwe
A “*” indicates that nationals of that country are subject to the exceptions that are provided on the United Kingdom Immigration website: