Apply for a recreational lobster diving licence
To dive for lobsters in Bermuda, you need a Recreational Lobster Diving Licence from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Lobster diving licences will only be issued to Bermuda residents.
There is a fee of $130.
Please submit your application for lobster diving with the necessary payment to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Licencing Office at the Botanical Gardens, 169 South Road, Paget.
Payments can be made by cash, cheque or credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
- If paying by cheque please make payable to: The Accountant General.
The licence is valid until 31 August each year.
Report your statistics
Lobster diving licence holders are required to submit statistics of their activities.
Lobster diver statistics are due on APRIL 30TH, EACH YEAR.
You will not be relicensed until your previous statistics are received.
Lobster diving licence conditions
- Only a noose or snare may be used to take lobsters: spearing is prohibited
- SCUBA gear may not be used to take lobsters
- Lobsters taken by diving may not be sold
- Spiny Lobsters (Panulirus argus) may not be taken during the closed season, from 1st April to 31st August. It is an offence to be in possession of a Spiny Lobster during the closed season, dead or alive.
- There is a bag limit of two lobsters per person per day
- The minimum legal size of the Spiny Lobster is 92mm (3 5/8 inch) carapace length. A suitable measuring instrument must be carried to determine if a lobster meets the minimum size requirement.
- Lobsters must be landed on shore whole: it is an offence to wring the tails at sea.
- You may not take, injure, sell, purchase or be in possession of any lobster, dead or alive, at any time when the lobster is bearing eggs.
- Any person found in possession of a lobster on a vessel or on shore who does not hold a valid Lobster Diving Licence, shall be deemed to have taken the lobster in contravention of the Fisheries Regulations, unless the contrary is proven.
It is an offence for any person who does not hold a valid Lobster Diving Licence to be in possession of a noose or snare either on a vessel or while swimming.
Where can I dive for lobsters?
Diving for lobsters is permitted only in areas around Bermuda specified in the terms and conditions of the Annual Licence.