Premier Burt promotes Bermuda’s interests in Washington

Premier, the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, will conduct a round of key meetings with members of Congress in Washington, DC on Wednesday (April 3, 2019). With a focus on Bermuda’s national security and financial services, the Premier is set to meet with the office of Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Financial Institutions & Consumer Protection.  Other meetings will include Congressmen George Holding and Lacy Clay of Ways & Means and Housing, Community Development & Insurance, respectively.  

The Premier will also take the opportunity to renew Bermuda’s strong connection with the Congressional Black Caucus, meeting with Congressmen GK Butterfield and Emmanuel Cleaver, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy.

Premier Burt said: “This day of meetings balances out our recent engagement in Europe and provides an opportunity to further promote Bermuda’s interests in Washington where the political landscape has changed since 2018’s mid-term elections. We’ve seen the value of keeping these connections strong and it is important that we continue to build relationships on both sides of aisle.”