Aerosol Paint Can Explodes Injuring Waste Collection Officer

At approximately 8:30 am this morning on Sylvan Dell Road, Paget, a Ministry of Public Works, Waste Collection Officer was injured on the job when a partially full spray-paint-can exploded, discharging its contents onto the 3 person waste crew.
Despite following proper safety protocols when using the garbage compactor, one worker was sprayed in the eyes and had to be taken to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Emergency Department for treatment.
The Ministry of Public Works reminds the public that for reasons of safety, all aerosol cans, which include paint cans, and other containers of potentially harmful contents must be completely empty before they can be disposed of with household waste.
At this time, the Ministry would also like to remind the public that the disposal of pet waste with household waste is prohibited. Waste Management Officers continue to come across faeces disposed of with household waste.
Pet waste must be flushed down the toilet or dried and wrapped in paper, placed in plastic bags, then dropped in the specified bin at the Tynes Bay Waste to Energy Facility.
“I am angered and disgusted at this totally irresponsible behaviour,” said Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. David Burch, “We have been pleading with the general public for months to show some consideration for our waste management collectors. They are some of the most dedicated individuals in this ministry and I take a personal affront at the abuse suffered by these workers. I urge the public to be far more vigilant in what they choose to place in their garbage.”
Should a member of the public be unsure of how to properly dispose of waste, a handy What Goes Where Chart is available on the Government Portal Garbage and Recycling page. Alternatively, the Waste Management Section may be called on 278-0560 or emailed at