What do they do?
There are four main sections in the Department of Planning:
- Forward Planning
- Development Management
- Building Control
- Enforcement.
Mission Statement:
Responsibly serving the people of Bermuda to ensure the sustainable management of the natural and built environment
The main responsibilities of the Department of Planning are defined in the Development and Planning Act 1974 and the Building Act 1988 and include:
- Preparation of development and local plans;
- Management of development and protection of the environment;
- Monitoring and enforcement of development regulations;
- Management of building activity through a building permit system; and
- Enforcement of the relevant building codes.
The Department’s key objectives are to:
- Plan for the environmental, heritage, economic and social needs of Bermuda by ensuring a balance between development and conservation in a sustainable way;
- Provide excellent customer service by serving applicants, stakeholders and consultees promptly in a professional, helpful, courteous and responsive manner;
- Implement planning and building policies, standards and regulations transparently, consistently and equitably to ensure the welfare of the community;
- Prepare up-to-date land use plans and planning policy guidance;
- Assess planning applications for development and subdivision in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with sound land use planning principles, legislation and development/local plan policies;
- Review building permit applications in a timely, thorough and competent manner and in compliance with the current building codes and regulations for the health, safety and welfare of the community;
- Provide a prompt, helpful and effective building operations inspection service to ensure the safety of structures;
- Investigate and resolve complaints regarding unauthorised development promptly and effectively;
- Provide an efficient and accurate planning search service for prospective purchasers of land and buildings; and
- Engage with the public on planning and building matters through provision of information, community outreach and awareness.