The Hon. Michael Dunkley, JP MP

Premier's visit to London

The Premier, the Hon. Michael H. Dunkley, JP, MP, visited London 24th - 26th August, 2015 for meetings with Government officials.  While in London the Premier met with David Gauke, MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury; John Whittingdale, MP, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport; Phillip Hammond, MP, Foreign Secretary; and Sir David Amess, the Chair of the Britain-Bermuda All Party Parliamentary Group.

America's Cup World Series Event Portsmouth, UK

The Premier and Minister of National Security, the Hon. Michael H. Dunkley, JP, MP,  attended the America's Cup World Series event in Portsmouth, UK from 24th through 27th July, 2015.  Also in attendance was the Minister of Economic Development, Dr. the Hon. Grant Gibbons,  who has Cabinet responsibility for Bermuda's America's Cup preparations, and representatives of ACBDA, the Bermuda Tourism Authority and the Corporation of Hamilton, all who will have responsibility for planning and hosting an America's Cup World Series Event in Hamilton, in October, 2015.  

Visits to United Airlines (Chicago) and International Economic Forum of the Americas – Toronto Global Forum

The Premier and Minister of National Security traveled to Chicago, IL with the Minister of Tourism Development and Transport to meet with senior Executives of United Airlines to discuss options for continuing service by United Airlines from Newark to Bermuda during the winter months.  The Premier and Minister were supported by the Chief Executive Officer of the Bermuda Tourism Authority, the General Manager of the L.F. Wade International Airport and the Secretary to the Cabinet.

RIMS 2015

Premier Dunkley attended the annual RIMS Conference from 27th - 29th April, held this year in New Orleans.  While in New Orleans Premier Dunkley opened the iconic Bermuda Booth; presented the traditional Bermuda Bag to the President of RIMS, Rick Roberts; met with Active Capital Reinsurance Ltd, who are interested in having a presence in Bermuda; and conducted a number of interviews with Bermuda and International media.   

Washington DC Meetings

The purpose of the trip was to meet with US Congressional Representative and to attend the 63rd National Prayer Breakfast. 

The Premier was accompanied by Dr. The Hon. E. Grant Gibbons JP, MP, Minister of Education and Economic Development, and Mrs. Cherie Whitter, Deputy Head of the Civil Service as well as Ms. Nea Talbot, Public Affairs Officer provided technical and media support.

America's Cup Venue Selection Announcement

Premier Dunkley was invited by the America's Cup Event Authority to New York to witness and participate in the announcement of the venue selected to host the 2017 America's Cup.  Bermuda and San Diego were the two finalists.

Accompanying the Premier were Dr. the Hon. Grant Gibbons, Minister of Education and Economic Development, the Government lead for Bermuda's bid to host the event, and Nea Talbot, the Premier's Public Affairs Officer.  Ms. Talbot's expenses are included with those of the Premier, while Dr. Gibbons' expenses will be posted under his own report.

Business and Media Events - NY

While in New York, the Premier met with companies interested in establishing financial service businesses in Bermuda.  In addition, the Premier conducted interviews with a number of International Media organizations to discuss Bermuda as an International Financial Centre and to promote our Tourism industry.  The business meetings were facilitated by the Bermuda Business Development Agency and the Tourism briefings by the Bermuda Tourism Authority.