Our Mission is to protect all individuals during their lifetime and facilitate their well-being.
The focus of the Ministry of Youth, Social Development and Seniors is to ensure that social policies and services are in place to protect, assist, inform, and empower the most vulnerable within our community. Social development is about improving every individual's well-being so they can reach their full potential. We invest in our people, providing opportunities for residents to grow and develop their skills to empower them to achieve their full potential and contribute to their families and the community in a meaningful way.
Meet the Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors - The Hon. Tinee Furbert JP, MP
The following departments fall under the MOYSDS’s authority:
- Ageing and Disabilities
- Charities
- Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS)
- Human Rights Commission
- Children’s Act 1998
- Parts of the Child Safeguarding Act 2019 (Misc Amend)
- Human Rights Act 1981
- Charities Act 2014
- Charities Regulations 2014
- Social Welfare Act 1971
- Senior Abuse Register Act 2008
- National Safeguarding Committee
- Child Care Placement Board
- Co-Parenting Mediation Council
- Disability Advisory Council
- Head of Selection and Appointment Committee-HRC
- Charities Commission
- Litigation Guardians Panel
- Ageing Well Committee